theSD.grab bag | recycling samples |
top of page started under their parent company FreshPress.Ink, we purchased bulk items to keep in stock on top of making the sample items ourselves. As we try to decrease our global footprint we would like to offer a grab bag style sample sale. You pick your size, we will pick the shirt. 


If you have a strong preference after you purchase the shirt you can email us at and if we can cater to your preference we will. If we cannot, Shelby will pick your item based on the information you leave us. 


Ex: You are a teacher and would not want to get a sample "behavior analyst" shirt.

Non-Ex: You look best in red and you live in Iceland so you want a red hoodie.


Rationale: We will be using only current stock. Sizes, colors, shirt brands, and designs will be a surprise (to us and you).


Keywords: bargain t-shirt, grab bag sale,, the sd store


NOTE: based on the nature of this project, your grab bag shirt may need 2 weeks to process. 

theSD.grab bag | recycling samples

Rating is 0.0 out of five stars based on reviews
Price Options
One-time purchase
sd of the month
You get a huge discount. We pick the shirt!
$17.00every month for 12 months
  • IT IS A MYSTERY SALE! You pay a smaller price for a surprise item (or group of items) from For example, we have an inventory sale, and you pay about 50% less than our website pricing and get a super great surprise.

    Anti-surprises? Then, this is you getting 50% off your order and Shelby as your personal shopper. We all win!

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