Article Spotlight Spreading the News: History, Successes, Challenges and the Ethics of Effective Dissemination
"Behavior analysts are responsible for disseminating behavior analysis by making information about the science available to the public, professional peers, and government officials" (Kelly et. al., 2018; p.440)
Top 10 Strategies for Effective Dissemination of Behavior Analysis
Consider cultural contexts
Know your audience and use appropriate verbal behavior
Keep it simple but keep it accurate
Be professional and polite
Be proactive
Be savvy with social media
Establish online boundaries
Verify legitimacy
Create sustainable systems
Network, network, network!
"If a scientific community does not arrange for contingencies that assure its survival, then so much the worse for that community, and for the rest of the culture at large" (Morris, 1985; p. 108).
Kelly, M. P., Martin, N., Dillenburger, K., Kelly, A. N., & Miller, M. M. (2018). Spreading the News: History, Successes, Challenges and the Ethics of Effective Dissemination. Behavior analysis in practice, 12(2), 440–451.
Morris, E. K. (1985). Public information, dissemination, and behavior analysis. The Behavior Analyst, 8, 95–110.